
The following table shows the main performance parameters of our gasification module:

  Fuel consumption  

Reference biomass

Wood chips (LHV ≈ 4÷5 kWh/kg DM)


Syngas production

2,2÷2,5 Nm3/kg DM


Syngas max flow rate

720 Nm3/h


LHV Syngas

1,3÷1,5 kWh/Nm3


Biomass specific consumption rate

0,8÷1,2 kg DM/kWhe

  Nominal capacity  

Single module installed capacity (1)

200÷300 kWe


Annual operation hours

+7.000 h/y


Gross electricity generation

1,4÷2,1 GWh/y

  Gross thermal power (2)  

CHP exhaust gas (@400°C)

170÷250 kWth


Hot air from engine cooling system (@65°C)

170÷250 kWth


Oxidizer flue gas (@900°C)

250÷350 kWth

  (1)Depending on the size of the installed CHP module
(2)Depending on the installed capacity

Higher installed capacity can be obtained by scaling-up the system through a modular approach (2 or more gasification modules in parallel).

The available thermal power can be used for:
drying biomass
supplying heat
producing additional electricity (e.g. through an ORC system)


The two most important environmental parameters qualifying energy production from renewable sources are the amount of CO2 avoided and the Primary Energy Savings (PES). In the table below the values ​​of the parameters have been estimated for a single gasification module (based on 7.000 hours of operation per year) under the hypothesis of exploiting all the power and heat available:

  Cogeneration from RES  

CO2 avoided

ca 2.500 ton/y


Primary energy saving

ca 1.100 tep/y

The concentration values ​​of gaseous pollutants and particulate are largely kept within the limits established by Legislative Decree no. 152, 3 April 2006. For systems with installed capacity ranging from 0.15 MW and 3 MW and fed with solid fuels, the emission limits are set as follows ​​(with 11% oxygen content in effluent gases):



100 mg/Nm3


Carbon Monoxide (CO)

350 mg/Nm3


Nitrogen oxides (as NO2)

500 mg/Nm3


Sulfur Oxides (as S02)

200 mg/Nm3

The plant consumes a small amount of water necessary for the operation of the cooling tower. No process residues are produced, with the exception of mineral ashes originally contained in the biomass fed to the plant. The system does not generate significant noise emissions, which are largely kept within the limits prescribed by law.


Water consumption

600-700 m3/y


Biomass ashes

40-50 ton/y


Noise emissions

within the limits prescribed by law

  BIO&WATT Gasification s.r.l.   P.I. 07233640965 - T. +39.02.873.66.873 - - All rights reserved Sitemap